Shipment and Delivery

Orders from South Africa

We have Warehouse in South Africa. Generally, We have enough Stocks in South Africa Warehouse. So the Order will be shipped by South Africa Warehouse by local special express line: the handle time is 1-2 days, it will take 3-5 days for delivery.

Orders from Other African Countries
It will ship from South Africa Warehouse which will take 1-2 days lead time.
It will shipped by Special Express which will take about 5-10 days delivery. Detail delivery time according to the real express suitation.

Due to the nature of our products (some being really big and heavy!) the delivery fees need to be calculated on a case by case basis.

We do delivery throughout South Africa (and cross border too). Let us know where you’re located and we can quote you on the transportation cost.

We suggest that you use our courier service ( The Courier Guy) as they know our products and dimensions to accurately calculate the delivery cost.